Restaurants and bars
Wine Bar
You will be pleasantly surprised by the wide selection of the wine card where
you find traditional spirits as well as the exclusive ones
you find traditional spirits as well as the exclusive ones

Elegant Wine Bar is beautifully appointed next to the glass cupola of the atrium on the 7th floor. You will be pleasantly surprised by the wide selection of the wine card where you find traditional spirits as well as the exclusive ones. Experienced barmen will help you to choose the best drink to match your dinner and the atmosphere of the evening.
Thanks to its convenient location on the 7th floor of the hotel and right near the Conference Hall and the Meeting Room, it is the ideal place for coffee-breaks, welcome drinks and receptions. Elegant design of the bar in the English style, light music will match every kind of the business event or just a meeting at the cup of coffee.
Luxury - this is when the underside is as beautiful as the face.
Coco Chanel
+375 (17) 229-84-31